Yönlendirme listesi
1 ile 50 arasında toplam 50 sonuç gösteriliyor.
(önceki 50 | sonraki 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) gör
- 1st Job Change → 1st job change
- Accessory Box → Accessory box
- Adaga → Ahgada
- Anasayfa → KOWiki
- Atilla → Attila (sunucu)
- Bandicoot Hunt → Bandicoot hunt
- Billbor's Trust → Billbor's trust
- Book of wisdom (Flame) → Book of wisdom (Fire)
- Book of wisdom (Glacier) → Book of wisdom (Ice)
- Bow of selfname → Arrow of selfname
- Broken Snake's Scale → Broken snake's scale
- Bulcan Hunting → Bulcan hunting
- Captured Karussian → Captured Karusian
- Characteristic of Weapon Offering Striking Power → Characteristic of weapon offering striking power
- Danger from Monsters → Danger from monsters
- Daughter's Present → Daughter's present
- Dragon Hunt → Dragon hunt
- First Preparation of War Materials → First preparation of war materials
- Flame Codex Gigas (selfname) → Fire Codex Gigas (selfname)
- Flame Shard → Dagger of selfname
- Food Shortage 2 → Food shortage 2
- Full Plate Armor 2 → Full plate armor II
- Full Plate Armor 4 → Full plate armor IV
- Full Plate Armor 5 → Full plate armor V
- Gaining Trust → Gaining trust
- Get Rid of the Mice → Get rid of the mice
- Giant Bulcan Hunting → Giant bulcan hunting
- Green Dragon Necklace → Green Dragon Amulet
- Kecoon Hunting → Kecoon hunting
- Lillime's Enticement → Lillime's Earring
- Low-Level Weapon Production → Low-level weapon production
- Magic Power Necklace → Amulet of Magic Power
- Making Antifebriles Paletts → Making antifebriles peletts
- Making Antifebriles Peletts → Making antifebriles peletts
- Mjölnir → Mjolnir
- NP → National Point
- Obtaining Food → Obtaining food
- Old Priest Earring → Old Priest's Earring
- Old Rogue Earring → Old Rogue's Earring
- Old Strength Belt → Old Belt of Strength
- Old Warrior Earring → Old Warrior's Earring
- Orc Watcher Hunting → Orc Watcher hunting
- PK → Player Killing
- Pocket Money That Cannot Be Spent → Pocket money that cannot be spent
- Portu → Porutu
- Rest of Soul → Rest of soul
- Sarenga → Saronga
- Second Preparation of War Materials → Second preparation of war materials
- Shrewd Wrapon Breaker Lower Garment → Shrewd Weapon Breaker Lower Garment
- Stella Tattoo → Stellar Tattoo