StopCrack of All Means

KO Wiki, Knight Online ansiklopedisi
20.56, 6 Ekim 2021 tarihinde Admin (mesaj | katkılar) tarafından oluşturulmuş 2270 numaralı sürüm ("{{Görev bilgi kutusu |ad = [Crack of All Means] StopCrack of All Means |seviye = 59 |taraf = El Morad / Karus |başla..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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[Crack of All Means] StopCrack of All Means
Seviye 59
Taraf El Morad / Karus
Başlangıç [Chief of Order of the Sorcery] Markus 617, 889
[Chief of Order of the Sorcery] Harrigan 1370, 106
Bitiş [Chief of Order of the Sorcery] Markus 617, 889
[Chief of Order of the Sorcery] Harrigan 1370, 106
Ödül(ler) -
EXP 25.000.000
Coin -
Tekrarlanabilir Hayır
Kategori El Morad, Karus, Chat görevleri
Seri Crack of All Means

[Crack of All Means] StopCrack of All Means, Crack of All Means chat görevlerinin yirmialtıncı ve sonuncusudur.




Görevi kabul ettiğiniz anda Folk Village'e ışınlanacaksınız. Işınlandığınız yoldan Shadow Rift'i bulana dek devam edin ve onu yok edin. [Leader] Shadow of Krowaz spawn olacaktır.

Crack of All Means chat görevleri

  1. [Crack of All Means] Ominous Atmosphere
  2. [Crack of All Means] Sign
  3. [Crack of All Means] Dispatching Inspectors
  4. [Crack of All Means] What's the problem?
  5. [Crack of All Means] Reason for Contamination
  6. [Crack of All Means] The Second Mission
  7. [Crack of All Means] The best medicine for a maniac
  8. [Crack of All Means] Question
  9. [Crack of All Means] What's this?
  10. [Crack of All Means] Mend the barn before the horse is stolen
  11. [Crack of All Means] How to deal with the new disease
  12. [Crack of All Means] Experiment Needed
  13. [Crack of All Means] Additional material
  14. [Crack of All Means] Developing antibiotic?
  15. [Crack of All Means] Drug to the Pharmacist
  16. [Crack of All Means] Appropriate Prescription
  17. [Crack of All Means] Appropriate Prescription II
  18. [Crack of All Means] We need more antibiotics
  19. [Crack of All Means] Appropriate Prescription III
  20. [Crack of All Means] The worst is over, but . . .
  21. [Crack of All Means] Fundamental reason
  22. [Crack of All Means] Uncontrollable Mana
  23. [Crack of All Means] Deliver it carefully.
  24. [Crack of All Means] Yielding an outcome
  25. [Crack of All Means] Finding the Crack
  26. [Crack of All Means] StopCrack of All Means